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MLB Baseball Matchup – Boston Red Sox vs Toronto Blue Jays ]]> include($base_url . “/includes/header.htm”); ?>

MLB Baseball Matchup
by Scott Burgess
Bet this matchup at Sportsbook.com
Boston Red Sox vs Toronto Blue Jays

Things are heating up in the AL East with theBoston Red Sox 2.5 games ahead of the NY Yankees. The BlueJayscan play a crucial part in the Red Sox demise if they can holdthem off in the next two games.

The Boston Red Sox are an American icon team that has some ofthe best players in MLB. They have everything that a baseballteam needs to win a pennant. They have a full bullpen with depth,a power hitter like David Ortiz, great speed and an impregnabledefense. At one point in the season the Red Sox had 12.5 gameslead in the AL East but that has since been reduced to justa couple games.

The Toronto BlueJays were Wildcard contenders in August buthas since let their Wildcard chances slip away. They are currently13.5 games back from first place in the AL East and are 11 gamesback from a Wildcard spot. So what happened? It seems theirpitching took a big dump after Roy Halladay had to sit out withan injury. Halladay is their hottest pitcher and when he pitchesthe Jays are confident and usually get the win. The biggestcontributor to the team so far has been Frank Thomas who managedto nail his 500th homer this year. With around 20 games leftin the season it will be interesting to see how the AL Eastwill play out.

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