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Beating the Spread Through Specialization ]]> include($base_url . “/includes/header.htm”); ?>
Specialization the Key to Success By Tony George Last time I looked there were 267 teams with power ratings andATS records at, a sister site of Covers Experts, whichI am a featured capper on. Think of the possibilities on Saturdayafternoons and evenings, over 133 games to lick your chops overon a weekend, to find a winner. Hang on a minute, I want you tothink again, as less is more. Ever hear the phrase “I can’t see the forest because of allthe trees?” I have met with great success over my 13 years inthe business of professionally picking games against the spreadby narrowing down and prioritizing college basketball, and evenfootball to some degree. We like to key in on 3 to 4 conferencesin College Basketball, with our main two being the Big 12 andMissouri Valley. As of January 18th, we are 7-3 in the MissouriValley, and 14-6 in the Big 12. We also like to keep a close eyeon the Big 10 and the Conference USA as well. This narrows thegap between hundreds of games down to 25 or so that we first lookat. Living in the Midwest, local media coverage and contacts throughthe media with my radio connections give us a ton of informationthat sometimes slips through the cracks on a national level, andwe also can see Missouri Valley and Big 12 teams in person bygoing to games in either Lincoln or Omaha Nebraska. One can post as many games as the next guy and throw cautionto the wind by looking at every game and throwing something againstthe wall and see if it sticks. I do not operate that way. I havetaken games in numerous conference’s this year, but our meat andpotatoes are in the above mentioned conference’s and with a 21-9record in my two main conferences we key in on, it is hard todispute that success rate. Bet using your credit card at In the NBA it is hard to key in on certain divisions, becausePro basketball is totally different from College Hoops, and teamsare less predictable in nature from night to night. I like tolook at certain scenario’s, such as back to back road games forcertain teams when they play an uptempo style team. It is alwaysa “take the home team” scenario, and one that has profited greatlyover the years, and that is just one example. I always ride thewave of momentum in the NBA, and ride a teams dominance over anotherone until the streak is broken. What works for me does not work for others in the business,but specializing in certain conference’s in college basketballhas worked out week for my clients, and whether or not you likethe Big 12 and Missouri Valley should bear no meaning, becauseall that counts at the end of the day is wins and losses, andthe results are proof positive.
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