How to be a sports bookie is the question on many people’s minds these days and there are some simple answers that we want to share with you. If you have ever thought about being a book, or if you have ever been a bookie on any level then you might be looking for some practical advice on the best and most affordable approach. We have been in the bookmaking business for a long time and we have seen it all. We have also been gamblers; most bookies start as gamblers and this gives a different perspective altogether. If the one giving the advice can empathize with the advisee, then what they say is valuable. We are here to give you a quick and informative road map to immediate success.
Let’s get one thing straight!
- The bookie business can be difficult and there will be times when you take your losses. This is the nature of the game and every time that you take a gambler’s money, you are gambling with them. The bookie business is a lot of fun, and it can be super rewarding, however, there is a virtue in being a great money manager and better yet, a great player-manager. You must manage your money and your players extremely well if you care about earning big profits.
What’s the best way to manage your players and money?
- You must have an organized system and you must be online with your bookmaking operation. There are no two ways around this. If you want to keep the players that you have now and keep them faithful to you then you must offer them what they want to gamble on, you must offer them choices in a great wagering menu, and you must offer it to them on a 24/7 basis.
- We have been in your shoes, we have done the local bookie gig and we know how difficult this job can be. As a local bookie, you are limited as to what you can offer. You don’t possibly have the kind of time it takes to set up each day’s sporting events, set all of the lines and odds, and offer your clients every possible way to bet on those sporting events. You are one person and what we have just described, would be next to impossible.
The Pay Per Head has come along at the right time!
- The pay per head or what’s better known as the ‘PPH’, are the world-leading software providers for online bookmakers. They are also the best avenue for finding a place on the internet for absolutely FREE! If you have ever wanted to take your business online, now you can.
- The best PPH providers on the internet are now offering to custom-build your gaming website for free. All you have to do is make the call and get started. The website is a state-of-the-art gaming site that offers a top-notch sportsbook, a Las Vegas-style casino, and a world-class racebook, you get all three for free.
- The PPH software is the bookie and it’s easy to use and operate. You do not have to be a programmer, have web-building experience, or know code. You don’t have to know a thing about any of that, the PPH set up your website from A-Z and they do all of the legwork.
- The sportsbook offers every sport known to man and every way possible to bet on those You will be open on the world wide web for your clients to log in to their accounts and gamble 24/7. You and your clients will have the exclusive use of a .com address and your website will have a name that you choose.
There has never been a better time than now to get online with a PPH. Gamblers are gambling and believe it or not, they are gambling more now, than before the pandemic. If you want to keep your clients from going to the competition and if you want the maximum spending from them, then you must offer them what they can find with the competition. Call the PPH today and get started for free.