Is Live Betting Blowing Up?

Adapting to change is one of the very many important things you must learn to do once you’re in the sports betting business. As in everything else, this industry has evolved and changed in quite a few aspects in the past few years, and one of the most important ones involves the fact that people and, of course, bettors, are more and more connected all the time, they demand things and services faster and at all times, and in sports betting, this means that live betting is one of the most important trends and tools people are looking for and that you, as a bookmaker, need to be able to deliver in the best way possible.

Live betting is not new, though, it has been around for many years, but understandably, it has evolved into a much bigger force in the past few years, when mobile technology really kicked off. It’s just not the same to bet live on a game when you need to make a phone call to do it, like before, as to do it live minute-to-minute on your smartphone while you’re enjoying the game with no distractions or third parties involved.

Is live betting the future of bookmaking?

It’s a part of it, but a very important one, we must say. The thing is live betting has opened up the market in many ways and has allowed sports bettors to wager on things they couldn’t before. Live betting gives us hundreds of different betting options for every single game, and most importantly it allows us to remain connected with the game, involved in a more passionate way, talking about players, and for bookmakers, it allows us to increase our offer and overall volume, while keeping your players happy and interested at all times.

Here at we take your business very seriously and we want to make sure you´re up to date with all the basic and most advanced tools to make your players’ betting experience better. We have some of the sharpest line movers in the world, as well as the most sophisticated software platforms to make sure you’re giving them the widest variety of markets with the best odds.

Is live betting different from pre-game betting?

In many ways it is, because it’s a much more dynamic type of bookmaking, it involves different tools and a different level of attention. Players that are watching and betting will always try to take advantage of the momentum in each game, and you, as the bookie, need to be aware of certain in-game details like weather, motivation, injuries and so on.  However, live betting is a must for each and every bookmaker in the world right now, so don’t hesitate, this is something you need to master.

We’re ready to give you a hand here at, so give us a call right now and let’s get you all set up! Let’s talk about your needs and possibilities and let’s make this happen!