Succeeding as a pay per head agent might be one of the toughest things to do. There are definitely easier ways to make money.
Many individuals decide to become agents because they only see the revenue and profit.
They don’t understand that it takes essential services from the right per head company to gain the revenue and profit.
See below for the 5 absolutely essential services that every online bookie needs.
Customizable Dashboard
The best PPH dashboards are customizable. What this means is that agents are able to display the reports that they wish to see.
Getting information from reports that’s actionable can be the difference between a business owner making money, and a business owner losing money.
Mobile Betting Capabilities
All of us are on our phones. Some of us can’t live without our phones. If agents don’t offer mobile betting, they’re going to not only find it difficult to garner new clients.
They’re also going to find it difficult to keep their current clients.
Multiple Live Betting Events
Live betting is a game changer. With live betting, per head agents can attract more action than they ever have. Multiple live betting events is the key. 7
For example, during the NFL season, every single pro football game should be open for live betting.
Great Per Head Customer Service
Pay per head agents are also customers. Agents are customers to per head companies. This might be the most essential of the 5 listed.
Agents should do their due diligence when it comes to customer service reps at the per head company they decide to work with.
If the per head company an agent works with doesn’t provide excellent customer service, how can the agent be assured that the tools he or she is using are top notch?
The entire gambling industry is about customer service. You provide services to your clients.
Your per head company provides services to you.
Access to a Layoff Account
Not all PPH companies offer a layoff account. The layoff account is one of the very best tools available to those agents who have it.
What a layoff account allows for is laying off money from one side of a spread wager to another so as to cut the possible payout.
It goes without writing that having the ability to layoff money wagered can be a big deal. Be forewarned, overusing a layoff account can lead to profit being left on the table.
Having the right pay per head platform will give access to all the above mentioned. Don’t partner H0n3yp0t2017!!with a company that cannot provide these essential services.
PayPerHead.com is the industry-leading pay per head platform that provides all the essential services and tools online bookies need to be successful.
Right now, online bookies looking to advance their business can get PayPerHead’s Prime Package for just $5 per head.
That’s all the essential services and premium tools offered in the industry for only $5 per head.