Can Patrick Mahomes Lead the Chiefs to Another Super Bowl? Analyzing His 2024 Season Performance

Ready for us to make the least controversial statement we’ve ever made? OK! Patrick Mahomes is the best quarterback in the NFL right now. The guy is so good that he will likely go down in history for his talent. We will still be talking about him for decades. Told you; no controversy at all there.

The big question, however, is whether Patrick Mahomes has what it takes to lead his team to the next Super Bowl because, to be fair, the Chiefs are good, but Patrick Mahomes and his creativity helped them last time.

So, Can He?

We will give you the short answer first – yes.

Patrick Mahomes and the Chiefs will be in another Super Bowl. The team is good, and most people have them in their hot picks week after week. Patrick Mahomes is at the top of his game. When he is playing well, there is nobody that will get in his way. He just needs a few on days, and he will be at the next Super Bowl (and maybe a de beyond that too).

So, if you feel like betting on the Chiefs to hit a Super Bowl shortly, then it may be worth reading through a guide to NFL betting and seeing what you can do.

But that’s the short answer. We are known for our statistical analysis here. So, let’s look at why we think Patrick Mahomes will be in that Super Bowl with the Chiefs.

Passing Yards

At the time of writing (Mid October 2024), Patrick Mahomes is sitting 8th in the league for total passing yards. He currently has 1,235 yards. He is averaging a shade under 70% in completions. In short – this guy is great on the offense. It has always been one of the areas in which he shines.

We think it is the passing yards where Patrick Mahones is going to help the Chiefs to the Super Bowl. As any person familiar with the NFL can tell you – if you win the passing yards game, you’ve virtually got the game in the bag. Considering the Chiefs have won all five games they have played this season, albeit not by massive amounts, they are thriving on Mahomes’ ability to get that ball forward.

On the passing front, nearly every single game has been an improvement for Mahomes, although he did falter a little bit in game 5, in all fairness, he wasn’t there for the whole game so you can’t really blame him.

Passing Touchdowns

Patrick Mahomes has managed to throw 6 passing Touchdowns so far in the 2024 season. This puts him in tied 3rd place in the 2024 rankings.

Now, this statistic doesn’t quite tell the whole story. From what we have seen so far, Mahomes is doing a great job getting the ball forward. He is an insanely talented quarterback. The problem is that the receivers for the Chiefs are not brilliant at the moment. They are a little bit better than the previous season, but a touch more quality there could push this stat higher.

As many pundits have stated, Patrick Mahomes is pumping out quality in a team that is lacking in some areas. So, one could say that Patrick has been heavily responsible for his team squeaking out a few wins. In game 5, where he wasn’t around for the whole thing, he was sorely missed.


This has never really been a strong area for Patrick Mahomes and, thankfully, it doesn’t need to be. He focuses heavily on the offense. However, you do need to have a good few intercepts as a quarterback, or you could be throwing away points.

So far, he has managed just 6 intercepts all season, which puts him in 61st place for the whole league. It’s not a great position to be in. However, you also have to bear in mind that the way the Chiefs are playing right now is highly offensive. This means that there isn’t much chance for Mahomes to play on the defense. He is pushing that ball forward.

Quarterback Rating

As many of you football fans may know, ESPN has developed their own system for ranking Quarterbacks. Mahomes is currently ranked 13th, with a 55.8 QBR. Certainly not a bad position to be in, but it could probably use some improvement.

The problem that he has right now is that his performance does seem to be somewhat sporadic. He started the season fantastically with a high QBR, but it has fallen off majorly since, which has pushed that ranking down.

Part of the reason for the fall is due to his slightly lower number of passing yards and completions in some games. Although, we also want to point out that this is something that has mostly happened in the tighter games where it probably would have been harder to break through the defense. He is also making shorter passes then, which really doesn’t work to the Chiefs’ advantage.

Chiefs and the Super Bowl

While Patrick Mahomes is performing slightly better than in previous seasons, he is still fairly low-ranked for such a talented quarterback. However, we must admit that much of this is down to the receivers that he has to work with.

That being said, the Chiefs are 5 for 5 on their games so far, even if a few of the wins were a bit tight. It is fair to say that Mahomes is helping to keep them in the game. If those wins keep stacking up, then we see no reason why the Chiefs couldn’t be in with a shout of making the Super Bowl.

If the team can work a bit harder on their offense, particularly on the receiving end, then we see no reason why the Chiefs couldn’t be unstoppable for a short while. However, if Patrick Mahomes is injured, it could end up spelling disaster for the team. We see no viable way they can win without him.