New to betting in the National Basketball Association (NBA)? Well, everyone starts somewhere, right? The betting game is one that involves a degree of luck with well-researched and calculated bets. Your chances of winning a bet rely largely on how much research you’ve done on the odds and on your knowledge of the game as a whole. Nowadays, punting has become a sport in its own right, and this article will give you some tips on how to bet on the NBA.
Make calculated bets
Punters like to say, “Use your head, not your heart” when it comes to placing a wager. Practically, betting can have a lot of emotion wrapped up in it, especially for newbies. Many people resort to gambling with the wrong motives. They think that one day, they will hit the jackpot that’ll solve all their problems. Unfortunately, this usually just causes more for them. In the end, they make risky bets and lose and then try to chase their losses in an endeavor to win their money back. This is what “Using your heart looks like”
However, punters who use their heads make calculated bets. They consider the odds, do their research and set a budget, placing bets with a level head and in a self-controlled manner.
Study NBA history
Before you dive into the current NBA season, we suggest taking some time to go over past seasons. NBA history can give you valuable insights into what teams repeatedly perform better, how different coaches work, and a better idea of the odds for your current season. For instance, if you know what teams to watch, you’ll be more likely to make a bet that has a profitable return.
Choosing the right games to bet on
From the start, one of your most pressing challenges is going to be what games you need to bet on. Following your favourite team might be enticing, but it might not be profitable. Here are some tips on the NBA teams to help you bet on the right one.
Look for rivalries and grudges
Nothing quite beats a good rivalry or grudge match. These matches happen all the time. For instance, if a coach or player moves over to a rival team, it can cause a bit of friction with their original team. This is especially true if the player who moved is a key player for the side. Grudge matches are a great time to place a bet because teams have more in mind than just winning; they want to make a statement.
Know the NBA schedule
Considering there are about 82 matches in a season, you’ll want to know who’s playing when. It’s unlikely that you’re going to bet on every match, but you do need to know when the key matches are that you want to be for. So, beforehand, check their schedule.
In addition to that, teams usually stand a better chance of winning games when they don’t play back-to-back. It gives them time to recuperate and get ready for their next game. Look for these games. If you see that a team set up for a back-to-back, it might present an opportunity for you to make a bet on their opponents depending on who they are.
Factor in traveling time and distance
Consider how you feel after a long trip. You’re tired and feel lethargic, right? Well, the same goes for NBA players. For some games, teams need to travel long distances and even change time zones, which makes them tired and less energetic. As you’d expect, teams that travel less are generally more energetic and refreshed, so they’ll likely play better.
Don’t rule out home-court advantage
For NBA teams, playing at home brings a kick to their step. At their home court, they’re comfortable and familiar with tons of their fans around them to support. The atmosphere alone gives them the confidence to play their best. The area of the venue also makes a difference. Some courts have different altitudes. For instance, teams that play in areas with a higher altitude generally have a slight advantage when they play along the coast. This might seem like a small thing to consider, but just a little extra fitness is enough to turn a game in their favor.
Check injury supports
In many situations, NBA teams develop a reliance on their star players to carry their teams to victory, and punters often do the same. We earmark certain players that are generally a safe bet and place wagers on them regularly. However, what happens when they get injured?
An injury to a team’s key player can change their whole season around, and if you haven’t kept up-to-date with team info, it can set your betting season back as well.
Finally Thoughts
Betting in the NBA is like riding a bike. Once you’ve learnt how to balance, it’ll be easy to go from there. But, if you don’t teach yourself methods to stay upright, then the training wheels will never come off. Take your time to study the NBA. Learn its history, what teams are top-tier, and what bets will bring you success. Follow the tips on the NBA above, and you’ll already have one foot set in the right direction.